Jessica Barth;
Actress, Writer & Founder, Voices in Action
Hearing the verdict today was a surreal culmination of what has been the past two years.
Speaking out against, arguably, the most powerful & most vindictive producer in Hollywood has not come without great sacrifice to our careers, personal lives & well being. Yet, we continued. We kept fighting to ensure justice for victims of sexual violence and accountability for sexual offenders everywhere; which has led us to today.
A jury convicted Harvey Weinstein, beyond a reasonable doubt, of rape. The jury did not rely on physical evidence. They jury relied on the compelling, heartbreaking testimony of the victims; finally our voices, our truth, as victims and survivors, were enough.
To the courageous, selfless witnesses who took the stand, bared their most private and intimate experiences for the world to judge, who endured the ugly victim shaming cross examinations, who suffered the deplorable tactics of Harvey Weinstein’s incredibly powerful press machine – you can no longer be labeled as “accuser”.
You are Annabella Sciorra.
You are Jessica Mann.
You are Mimi Haylei.
You are Dawn Dunning.
You are Tarale Wulff.
You are Lauren Young.
And you are so much more than any pain this convicted rapist has inflicted onto you.
To my silence breaking, warrior sisters and brothers, I am in awe of each and every one of you. I’d be lost without this community of courage. The future would look a lot less bright had you not raised your voices to say #MeToo. This movement is powerful. This movement is unstoppable. And, this is just the beginning.
In Gratitude,
Jessica Barth
To my own courageous sister, I am in awe of you. Your strength and voice are leading a revolution and changing the world. I love you.